Happy Wednesday,

It’s been a while since a training and fundraising update, as I’m trying not to bombard you with my pleas for donation (http://www.active.com/donate/seaLV12/kmacris) or for support. My iPhone 5 has kindly integrated my address books, so hopefully this is making it to the right people. My fundraising is coming along; I am at $2,600 with my wine tasting fundraiser just a couple weeks away. Recommitment is in mid-October, and while I already know I’ll recommit, it’s also a bit of a deadline for fundraising. In order to run with my team in Vegas, I will need to raise a minimum of almost $4,000. I would like to have at least that raised by recommitment. Please help. $5 here, $20 there, $10 somewhere all helps. It really does add up! My favorite donation is $13.10 which is a single dollar per mile I will run. It gives me confidence while I’m out there training day after day. If you can’t find a couple bucks to donate, please pass my link or email onto your friends who might be able to help!

As for training, I’m running about 25+ miles a week, working on making my running outweigh my walking. Although many of you followed my training last year; this year has been incredibly harder coming off months of no activity due to arm surgery and that pesky arm getting sore when bent for too long. I feel like I’m training for the first time, learning to breathe all over again. I am starting to hit my groove and am finding four to six mile runs very pleasurable. Unfortunately my long runs are about twice that! To get through my runs, I set little goals for myself. On Monday, I finally conquered “THE HILL”. It’s not a particularly long hill (maybe 1/4 mile), but it’s steep and comes at the end of a very hilly couple miles. Last year, I never made it from bottom to top of the hill without stopping, and on Monday, I made it. All the way past the school and to the fire hydrant. I may have grunted “you will not beat me” at some point. In the same run, I also beat the really short steep hill near my house that I just always walk up because it looks daunting. So while I’m still slow, at least I beat those darn hills!

I run in support of Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and more personally my mother who lives with Ulcerative Colitis. She’ll be there on the finish line cheering me on, so please help me get there with a donation. http://www.active.com/donate/seaLV12/kmacris

For those of you in the Seattle area, please come out to my Fundraiser on October 13 at the Bellevue Towers. It’s a wine tasting featuring Apex Wines (and several great surprises for wine lovers and haters alike). Please invite your friends and family as well. Information is on my website at www.kristieruns.com. If you can’t make it out, please consider donating a few bucks online (http://www.active.com/donate/seaLV12/kmacris).


P.S. Please forward this to your friends and family who might be interested in supporting the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. Donate today: http://www.active.com/donate/seaLV12/kmacris