Coachella ’16 Exploration: MELODY’S ECHO CHAMBER

Coachella ’16 Exploration: MELODY’S ECHO CHAMBER

I deviated from usual Coachella exploration today, as every musician I hit with my finger was a DJ (or a DJ group, why do we need so many of those?), and I just wasn’t in the mood for any type of overly produced and mixed computer music with guest singers crooning, no matter what genre (and I found several). I wanted a guitar. So I decided to explore Melody’s Echo Chamber, who is playing on Sunday, instead.


Coachella Band Exploration: GRIMES

Coachella Band Exploration: GRIMES

My Coachella Band Exploration led me to Grimes today. My close the eyes and point sometimes leads to someone I actually know. Grimes is played on the radio constantly and Artboy digs her. I’ve never been a fan, but let me explore and see if that’s changed.


Friday Five: Random 2016 Food Porn

Friday Five: Random 2016 Food Porn

I feel like I need more food on the blog, which has been all running and music lately, so I’ll take advantage of Friday Five’s free day to share some food! So here are five random things I’ve eaten in 2016 that have made me happy!!!!


Princess Half Marathon Recap

Princess Half Marathon Recap

My quick trip for Princess was a whirlwind of food, drinks, and Milly! Oh, and there was some running in there somewhere. As for the race itself, I inadvertently came in under 3, even with a ton of character photos (and lines), at 2:59:57. I wasn’t aiming for an under 3, as I haven’t been training much at all and wanted to take it easy and get some fun photos. Mostly, I was tired, hot, and sweaty.


Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!

This is a very old shot of Chewie sending some hearts and Xs and Os. I miss him everyday, but he will always be my Valentine.
